High Schoolers and Middle Schoolers! Get ready for this year’s Youth Christmas Party on Friday, December 1st at 7p in the social hall. There will be cookie decorating, Christmas games, and tons of fun to start the season! For more info, reach out to ariana@ctkcambridge.org.
Women's Brunch
Women of CTK! You’re invited to the CTK Women’s Christmas Brunch and White Elephant Gift swap! The party starts at 10a on Saturday, December 9th in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring a wrapped present, preferably something that you did not have to buy. It can be something silly or serious, something you want to re-home or handmade. The goal is to have fun together and be creative! Sign up for the potluck here. Questions? Email women@ctkcambridge.org.
Middle School Game Night
Attention, Middle Schoolers! Tomorrow night is Game Night at the church, from 7-8:30p. Contact Ariana with any questions. Hope to see you there!
High School Lunch
Attention High Schoolers! The next after-church hangout is this Sunday. RSVP to Ariana so she knows who to expect!
Building Celebration
The scaffolding is down, the holes in the ceiling are gone...and CTK has wrapped up 2.5 years of major interior and exterior building renovations! Join us in the fellowship hall after the service next Sunday, October 22nd, for a small celebration of God's care and provision. (There might be cake...)
CTK Work Day
It's time for some fall clean-up at the church! Join us from 12-2pm on Saturday Oct 28th (right before the Great Pumpkin Event) to help with lawn/garden care, painting, and other housekeeping. Please RSVP to deacons@ctkcambridge.org, and bring gardening/work gloves if you have them. If yard work isn't your thing, consider helping with set-up for the Great Pumpkin Event instead -- sign up for that here.
High School After-Church Hangout
The next High School After-Church Hangout will be on Sunday, October 1. High schoolers can meet up with Ariana after the service to have lunch in Central Square. Contact ariana@ctkcambridge.org with any questions.
Discovering CTK
Men's Breakfast
The next CTK men's breakfast is on Saturday, October 14th from 8:30-10am in the CTK Social Hall. Come enjoy some good food and good company. We'll be discussing God's providence in Proverbs 16 and what it means to "commit your work to the Lord". Email Andy at astuntz@gmail.com if you have questions or want to help cook / set up.
Women's Bible Studies
Women's Bible Studies will be starting up the second week in September!
Tuesday Evening Bible Study: Looking for fellowship with other women, prayer, and a chance to dig deeper into study of the Bible and its relevance for our lives? Come to the Tuesday evening women’s Bible study. Our first gathering will be Tuesday Sept 12 at 7:00 pm for potluck snacks, intros, and prayer. After that, we will meet every other Tuesday 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm and start in with study of the letter to the Hebrews. Questions? Contact Kimberly Bowal 617-396-1022 or Jeanie Carson 617-272-0366. Or just come! Feel free to park in spaces right by the church.
Thursday Morning Bible Study: This fall, the Thursday morning Women’s Bible Study will be studying 1 & 2 Kings, using What a Royal Mess by Susan Tyner as a study guide. Their first meeting will be a potluck breakfast on September 14 at 9:30a in the church social hall. Questions? Contact Kelly Sawyer (bostonkelly@gmail.com).
Men's Bible Study
Got wisdom? The Friday morning men's Bible study will begin a study of Proverbs starting September 15th. Join us 6:15-7:15am every Friday here on Zoom for fellowship, reading, reflection, and discussion. No prep required. Contact Andy (astuntz@gmail.com) with questions.
Book Club
Women’s Ministry Summer Book Club: A bestselling novel for nearly 10 years, Anthony Doerr's "All the Light We Cannot See" offers both historical and human insight woven into Pulitzer Prize-winning storytelling. It's a book that's hard to put down, which is why a Netflix series is currently in production. Join us this summer for a series of four informal book discussions, while getting to know some other CTK women. If you'd like to request a book and be included in the email list about dates and locations, please email Sarah Goodman. Our first meeting will be Thursday, June 15th at 7:30p.
Singleness, Marriage, and Sexuality Conference
CTK is co-sponsporing a one-day conference entitled Singleness, Marriage, and Sexuality: How God’s Design Points us to Jesus’ Unending Love. Speakers will include Rebecca McLaughlin, Sam Allberry, Rachel Gilson, and Dani Treweek. Whatever your life situation, we’d love for you to bring your hopes, dreams, friends, and questions and join the conversation on November 11! For more information, visit singleminded.community/boston2023.
July 4th Picnic
Save the Date: Join us for a July 4th Picnic at 4:30p at Dana Park on Magazine Street. Sign up here! All are welcome!
Women's Brunch
On Saturday, June 3, 10:30 am-12:00 pm, all women and girls of CTK are cordially invited to gather for fellowship, including a brunch and flower arranging. Sign up using the Perfect Potluck link: https://www.perfectpotluck.com/meals.php?t=JZXB1885&welcome=1 . We'll meet inside the Social Hall. Please bring $5 to help offset the cost of your flowers and vase. Can't wait to see you all! 🌹🌸🌺🌷🌼💐
Calling all kids grades 3-5 our next EMOSEWA event will be on June 4th from 12:30p-2pm. There will be food, and Pastor Travis will be joining us for an "Ask The Pastor" event, where he’ll be answering questions that kids have about the Bible, Christianity and even fun questions about himself so you can get to know him better. Questions can be emailed or submitted on an index card (found by the sermon worksheets) and passed to Miss Dana or Miss Lara on Sundays. We’ll also do some cookie decorating together at the end!
Summer RUF
Summer RUF Weekly Gathering: All college students in town for the summer are invited to join MIT, Harvard, and BU students on Wednesday nights through July 26 at 7:30pm in the CTK fellowship hall. Come get to know other college students here for the summer! We will have social events and small group Bible discussions depending on the week. Email Serena Jones, Campus Staff with RUF BU (serena.jones@ruf.org) if you'd like more details or want to be added to the GroupMe.
Men's Breakfast
Anger problems, anyone? The next men's breakfast is on Saturday, June 10th from 8:30-10am in the CTK Social Hall, and we'll be discussing proverbs about anger. Email Andy at astuntz@gmail.com if you have questions or want to help cook / set up.
End of Year Youth Potluck
On Sunday, May 7th, there will be an End of Year Youth Potluck Party, and all of the 6th graders to 12th graders to are invited to come! The party will be from 4p-6p at the Huang Residence. We'll have some great games and activities, but the best part will be the food! Please bring your favorite dish to share and sign up using this link to let us know what you're bringing. Please sign up to bring a dish and RSVP by May 2nd.
Spring Work Day
Save the date for a spring work day at the church building, Saturday May 13th from 9am-2pm! Come whenever you can and help with some gardening, cleaning, landscaping, and other housekeeping (bring gardening/work gloves if you have them). We'll provide pizza around lunchtime. Let us know if you can make it or if you have any questions: deacons@ctkcambridge.org.