This summer classes for kids 4 years to Grade 2 are completing a unit on the First Catechism, a question and answer tool for teaching Bible truths in simple, straightforward language. Chidlren will grow in their understanding of God’s great love for and grace toward them through tracing the gospel message throughout the Bible.
Catechism Questions:
Q6: Is there more than one true God? No. There is only one true God.
Q7: In how many Persons does this one God exist? In three persons.
Q8: Name these three Persons. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Bible Story/Passage: based on Isaiah 44 ICB
Teaching points:
God created people (us) and we belong to Him.
There is only one true God. God is three Persons, yet He is one God.
Having an idol is saying or acting like something else is more powerful or important than God.
At-Home Discussion Starters:
What are some idols that people have?
Are there things you and I struggle to not turn into an idol?
Discuss each of the persons of God: What makes them different/distinct? How are they all God?