The Judge Judges Justly (Genesis 18-19)
God is the Judge who judges justly.
Discussion Starters
What does a judge do? Do you think judges are perfect? Why or why not? What did Abraham say about God as a judge?
Why does God destroy the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah? What happens to Lot’s wife?
Is there anyone who obeys God all the time? Who deserves God’s judgement?
Why then don’t we have to fear God’s judgement? How does Jesus help us escape the punishment of our sins?
The Biggest Story Curriculum takes kids on an exciting journey through the Bible, from the garden of Eden to the return of Christ, drawing them into Scripture and helping them grasp its overarching message of God’s redemption of HIs people.
For the 2024-25 school year, children 4 years to Grade 5 are going through the Old Testament, seeing how each bible story points to Jesus, our Savior! Read more about The Biggest Story Curriculum.
“There is nothing more important for the younger generation than imparting to them a rich vision of the gospel. ”