
Welcome Visitors

  • Welcome! We’re so glad you’ve visited us. Please fill out our digital visitor card so that we can get in touch with you.

  • Community Groups are an essential part of our life together at CTK. If you’d like any help getting in contact with a group near you, please email

  • The CTK Reader is our weekly e-newsletter that goes out on Thursday afternoons. It’s a great way to learn about upcoming events as well as to post announcements in our “Community” section.

CTK Winter Getaway

It’s that time of year again!  Registration is now open for the 2025 CTK Winter Getaway!  Join us for a weekend in the snowy woods of Alton, NH at Brookwoods Conference Center. Our speaker this year is Rev. Rob Hamby, Senior Pastor of Point Hope Presbyterian Church in Charlston, SC.  Scholarships are available.  Visit for more information and to register!